
Different Energy Sources

Different energy sources refer to the various ways we harness and utilize energy. These include renewable and non-renewable energy sources. The energy source we choose to use depends on a variety of variables which include how it affects the environment and how easily accessible and affordable it is.

In 2018, fossil fuels (oil natural gas, natural gas and coal) accounted for 81 % of the energy that was produced around the globe. But these nonrenewable sources for energy can impact the environment in a variety ways. For example the oil drilling process can be a disaster on wildlife and communities and fracking causes water pollution and coal power stations emit carbon dioxide.

Renewable energy, also referred to as green or clean energy is derived from natural and continuously replenishing resources like sunlight, wind, and water. It’s an excellent option for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels that are polluting the environment and assisting the environment.

Renewable energy is not solely about protecting the environment. It’s also about being cost-effective, reliable and efficient. This is why renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular as a means to power our homes, businesses, and vehicles.

The most commonly used renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydropower, and nuclear. Solar energy is a technology that converts sunlight into electricity and warmth. Wind energy captures the kinetic energy of moving air to create electricity and is used in many places all over the world. Hydropower harnesses the force of swiftly moving water to generate electricity. Nuclear energy generates electricity using the atomic fission process.